
Source file src/code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview/primitive.go

Documentation: code.rocketnine.space/tslocum/cview

     1  package cview
     3  import "github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2"
     5  // Primitive is the top-most interface for all graphical primitives.
     6  type Primitive interface {
     7  	// Draw draws this primitive onto the screen. Implementers can call the
     8  	// screen's ShowCursor() function but should only do so when they have focus.
     9  	// (They will need to keep track of this themselves.)
    10  	Draw(screen tcell.Screen)
    12  	// GetRect returns the current position of the primitive, x, y, width, and
    13  	// height.
    14  	GetRect() (int, int, int, int)
    16  	// SetRect sets a new position of the primitive.
    17  	SetRect(x, y, width, height int)
    19  	// GetVisible returns whether or not the primitive is visible.
    20  	GetVisible() bool
    22  	// SetVisible sets whether or not the primitive is visible.
    23  	SetVisible(v bool)
    25  	// InputHandler returns a handler which receives key events when it has focus.
    26  	// It is called by the Application class.
    27  	//
    28  	// A value of nil may also be returned, in which case this primitive cannot
    29  	// receive focus and will not process any key events.
    30  	//
    31  	// The handler will receive the key event and a function that allows it to
    32  	// set the focus to a different primitive, so that future key events are sent
    33  	// to that primitive.
    34  	//
    35  	// The Application's Draw() function will be called automatically after the
    36  	// handler returns.
    37  	//
    38  	// The Box class provides functionality to intercept keyboard input. If you
    39  	// subclass from Box, it is recommended that you wrap your handler using
    40  	// Box.WrapInputHandler() so you inherit that functionality.
    41  	InputHandler() func(event *tcell.EventKey, setFocus func(p Primitive))
    43  	// Focus is called by the application when the primitive receives focus.
    44  	// Implementers may call delegate() to pass the focus on to another primitive.
    45  	Focus(delegate func(p Primitive))
    47  	// Blur is called by the application when the primitive loses focus.
    48  	Blur()
    50  	// GetFocusable returns the item's Focusable.
    51  	GetFocusable() Focusable
    53  	// MouseHandler returns a handler which receives mouse events.
    54  	// It is called by the Application class.
    55  	//
    56  	// A value of nil may also be returned to stop the downward propagation of
    57  	// mouse events.
    58  	//
    59  	// The Box class provides functionality to intercept mouse events. If you
    60  	// subclass from Box, it is recommended that you wrap your handler using
    61  	// Box.WrapMouseHandler() so you inherit that functionality.
    62  	MouseHandler() func(action MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse, setFocus func(p Primitive)) (consumed bool, capture Primitive)
    63  }

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